Manga Descriptions Beyond Superiority On Anime Manga
in a world where sheer genius and relentless hard work may not necessarily guarantee survival, in a world where joys and sorrows envelop, in a world where various abnormal anomalies occur, in a world where the story of a mad cultivator begins! rén zāng (dirty one), that's the name used by people to scorn a weak boy with pale white skin, flowing white hair, and sky-blue eyes with diamond-like patterns. the terrifying aspect of him is not the beautiful appearance like the descendants of the god adonis and goddess aphrodite, but the iron principle impossible to collapse unless he goes insane or dies; with his strong determination, he begins to shake the entire universe with terrible terror. until far into the future, the name rén zāng is a name highly forbidden to be uttered by any creature. that cursed name is even capable of making entities like gods and goddesses shudder in fear.