Manga Descriptions Tensei Oujo Wa Ai Yori Ryouchi Ga Hoshii No De Seiryaku Kekkon Wo Kibou Shimasu! On Anime Manga
princess fairis, reincarnated into the world of strategy simulation games, uses her knowledge of the games she played in her previous life and is called the warrior princess. however, as soon as the war ends, she is ordered by the king to marry. in addition, she competes with her sister in arranged marriages and, depending on her partner, cannot get involved in national politics. …i want to build my country, not get married! as she struggles to arrange a political marriage that will give her more territory, orpheed, a wizard who is also her trusted subordinate and a potential bride, unexpectedly confesses his love for her…? a love comedy between a reincarnated princess with zero love skills and the strongest wizard with an intense love. 恋愛に淡泊な御堂早矢香はある日事故に遭い、プレイしていた戦略シミュレーションゲーム『マナ・アビス七国戦記』のキャラクター・王女フェアリスとして転生する。 「恋愛なんてクソゲーだ!」と前世でやりこんだゲーム知識を活かし、見事大陸統一を成し遂げる。 待望の国づくりを謳歌しようとした途端、王から結婚を命じられる。 婚約者候補は王が選抜した五人! その中には腹心の部下・オルフェードもいて――!?